Apakah itu London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) ?

"The LBMA is an international trade association, representing the London market for gold and silver bullion which has a global client base. This includes the majority of the gold-holding central banks, private sector investors, mining companies, producers, refiners and fabricators.

The on-going work of the Association covers a number of areas, among them refining standards, trading documentation and the development of good trading practices. The maintenance of the Good Delivery List, including the accreditation of new refiners and the regular retesting of listed refiners, is the most important core activity of the LBMA. “

sumber: http://www.lbma.org.uk/about-us

Pengerusi Eksekutif Kumpulan Public Gold, Datuk Louis Ng berkata, sijil tersebut membolehkan warga Malaysia & Singapura memiliki emas yang dikeluarkan syarikat itu tanpa dikenakan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST). Pengecualian ini adalah kerana emas tergolong dalam logam pelaburan berharga (Invesment Precious Metal – IPM) yang diiktiraf sebagai aset kewangan penting seperti mana instrumen kewangan lain yang aktif didagangkan seperti saham dan bon.

Jadi pengiktirafan ini menyebabkan emas keluaran Public Gold amat mudah diperlakukan di seluruh dunia tanpa ada sebarang sekatan atau birokrasi. Menarik bukan?

Tiket Dato' Louis di LBMA Conference di Austria

Amir Marzhuki
Bandar Baru Bangi
Dealer Public Gold

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